Monday, August 18, 2008

What have I been doing???

Well, we have had three birthdays. Celebrating Ashleigh turning 11, Lindsey turning 7 and Matthew turning 4.

Before school was out, Ashleigh and I went on a school trip to Washington DC and Williamsburg, VA. It was a week long trip and we got to see a lot of interesting things. Because it was a 5th grade field trip, many parents went with their children and only very few children were chaperoned by an adult that was not a relative or friend of the family. Ashleigh thought I was a pretty strict chaperone in that I made her actually look at the Smithsonians and tour Williamsburg for 95% of the time and only 5% in the gift shops (as opposed to some of our other parents and children). Although, everytime I made her do something "learning/historical" as opposed to "shopping" she did say "Wow, mom, that was interesting. Thanks for making me do it." and made me happy that I didn't cave to peer pressure of shopping.

School has started here. We're starting on our second full week. This is a picture of our first day.


I finally got back into the swing of things after the holidays and made my soon-to-be-born nephew Bo a pair of socks.

And my neighbor, who is expecting her seventh child and her fifth girl (yes, I did type that correctly) any day now, a pair of socks.

I signed up for Dish Rag Tag: the Sequel, which started on Friday the 15th. I have also signed up for Mystery Stole 4. When I finally finish my swatch, I'll post a picture.

Finally ~ Be excited for me - MDO starts in two weeks and Matthew will be going all five days from 9 am to 1 pm. I will have to work out a routine to get the best use of my time, but I already know that Monday (which is a short day from 9 to 12) will be a clean the house using FLY Lady methods and that another day will be to help Lindsey's second grade teacher. That leaves me 3 days for my stuff (library and crafts and other me stuff). I'm so excited!!

Isn't he soooo cute??