Wednesday, June 13, 2007

And... the light bulb finally flickers on.

Thanks to Emily's email that got the idea to me and started the percolating and a fair amount of reading help blogs --- I finally figured out how to do the whole html code thing for the buttons on the side. It was a collaborative effort to make things click for me, but isn't that how things work sometimes? Instruction and information pouring over you until that last bit of info and then you can't understand why you didn't clearly understand before all the effort. But, I've got that piece now. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Mandy!

Welcome to Blog Land! I've only been a citizen myself since the 1st of May, but I'm having a blast. I found you via Emily's site. I've been knitting since December, and I'm a crazy cat lady!Visit us at

Tonni said...

Welcome to the Alabama knitting blogland! I'm your neighbor and live in the next community, Helena :)

Tonni said...

Hi Mandy! I received your comment but do not have the feature that shows your email address to reply.

I live so close to you - in Dearing Downs!

Email me directly at:

trp168 at bellsouth dot net


Crazy For Yarn In Alabama said...

Isn't Emily just the greatest???